A brief summary of what has happened since we last talked. Places you have travelled, belts you have won did you
meet your goals over the last year? Where have you expanded out to wrestle at since we last spoke?
She joined NWA Revolution in 2015. They were and have been welcoming. On January 1st, which is her birthday, she won her first wrestling award! It was with the new company, after less then a year with them, the fans voted her as Wrestler of the Year. She now has a chance to wrestle Awesome Kong, something she has wanted almost from day one in the wrestling business.
She is getting more and more bookings but wants even more. Lately she has been booked at RSWS in Memphis, TN. Tony Strong, Mr. B, Wild Love. She has some bookings that she can not talk about just yet, they will be up north, so stay tuned.
1. With TNA and WWE paying more attention to the Indy's then ever, how do you feel this has changed things?
It has changed some, But some things will stay the same no matter what, Some people you will just NEVER see, they still don't fit the idea or the mold. She hopes that is not the case but knows they will still bust their ass to get there.
But WWE and TNA still have some set ideas. Other times wrestlers themselves have said they won't become a gimmick just to work on TV.
When they are not the right size, they get overlooked. Not as much anymore, Kevin Owns proves that but it does still happen. To be on the Main Roster more often then not you still need a "look"
2. What was the worst character or gimmick you have had to do so far? Why?
"I had one I TRULY TRULY DESPISED!" Yes, I hated it with a PASSION! Be a Beast, but not the one you already are. I already had a "Ruthless" side but they wanted a different kind of ruthless.
Like if a Mother Ruthless met Kamala and had a child. Kamlala? She tries to forget the name, she TRULY hated it. Dressed like Kamala, She told them she thought it was a bad idea for her. They had her even dress like Kamala, which she was uneasy with.
3. With so many ways for fans to interact with wrestlers, and wrestlers to be able to promote themselves(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat,Filsinger games) Do you feel wrestlers use it correctly or enough as they should? Too Much? How has it changed things? Do you feel any one wrestler has perfected it?
She feels she will get some flack for her answer, but she feels that it helps both the fans and the wrestlers to be able to see the wrestlers in a different light. A more human side, as they were in the past and sometimes even now, seen as LARGER THEN LIFE.
Seeing they can be hurt, they have feelings. Injuries do happen and all this can be used now and makes it more real. The downside, she feels, is when the wrestlers use it without it being a work or fitting into a story. Just talking trash and bullshit on fellow workers or whole companies. Yes it can backfire but things, including wrestling, has to evolve and change.
Use it to sell a feud, tell a story, get the fans and crowds involved but not pissing contests. Sometimes it can get out of hand and other times it gets personal, Little known out of her circle of friends she had skin cancer so hearing that a fellow wrestler would use cancer makes her feel disappointed in that person.
Mick Foley is the closest to come to perfecting it, The Rock uses it right most of the time.
4. What do you consider the lamest move in wrestling? What about the best?
She laughs evilly...She had been waiting for this one. At an unnamed wrestling show, it has a name but out of respect she won't use it. A wrestler at the show used a hip toss as a finisher.
Worse it was not even a full on hip toss, more like a roll over. She said think like a self defense class where they teach you to use the attackers momentum and roll him over your hip, more that that. They, not sure if it was mocking fans or workers being funny, called it the HIP TOSS OF DOOM!
One of her favorites one currently to watch is Neville's The Red Arrow. Not only does it look great but it involves a lot of trust from both workers to pull it off.
On her own past experience that she KNOWS is brutal. A move she has taken herself as well as seen others take up close. The Stu Hart Special, and no one SHOULD get up, even if you think you can. It is a move that really hurts and looks painful, the kind of move you TRULY believe can defeat someone, really end a match.
5. Greatest Feud in Wrestling History?
Very fond of Stone Cold vs Mr. McMahon. DX VS McMahon's. WCW VS WWF but the favorite?
She gave it some thought and went with Dusty Rhodes vs The Four Horseman! When the Horseman broke Dusty Rhodes leg, she watched these all in reruns of course. She is too young to have seen them the first time around, but thanks to The WWE Network for just 9.99 she has been able to catch up.
When Dusty tried to help Flair, she thinks in 1975, after Flair won the belt in the Steel Cage. It seemed that two of the greats would stand tall but the Horsemen locked themselves in with Dusty and went to town. Shocking and got great heat.
6. Who do you enjoy watching the most on the Indy circuit?
Some of them are her friends but that is not why she is picking them, it is in SPITE of that, knowing them and watching them practice and she is still blown away and impressed watching them in the ring. You can mark out for your friends, she knows there moves and has battled many of them, yet she still enjoys watching them wrestle others.
One she was super vocal about being a great worker and improving all the time was Tony Strong. She said he tries and learns and does his best to learn both from wins and losses. He wants to be better so he gets better.
Also on her list, politics aside, were Mr. B, Jim Justice(though he is being stupid right now), Total Pimp, and and Up and comer Richard Reason, that you should be on the look out for. Keith Lee always ALWAYS entertaining. Ray Rowe, Shane Taylor. She calls Keith Lee and Shane Taylor the Teddy Bears. Fierce looking and in the ring but super nice and friendly outside of the ring. Andy Dalton, the bumps he takes. He is DIRTY. Nuff Said!
Recently she started getting a kick out of watching Su Yung wrestle. She is not the tallest or the biggest but when she is pissed she attacks like no other. To be honest and fair, She doesn't watch a lot of woman's wrestling. She just finds that most places don't treat it much better then WWE. But there are some names that stand out Anglus Layne, Kimber Lee, Candice LaRae.
7. If you could make a Tag Team with anyone currently wrestling in the Indy's who would it be and what would you call the team?
This one was easy, Tony Strong, Ruthlessly Strong.
8. What states do you feel are the hottest right now for Indy wrestlers?
California, Florida area, Jersey area, Tennessee, Louisiana is currently hot.
9. Which states should wrestlers avoid?
Every state has a few bad promotions, just listen and research the promotion. But try never to AVOID whole states.
10. What makes a good to great promoter in your opinion?
Doing what the FANS want! Listen to the people who BUY the tickets and the merch. They bring not just your promotion money and people but if they are buying the wrestlers merch, they are also making money and more willing to return.
You also want one who talks to the wrestlers and gets to know them, who doesn't just listen to rumors or third party stories. Meet them, make your OWN decisions. Pays the wrestlers what they are worth, have they stood by your company? Will their first time there bring fans to the seats? Lots of fan? Then pay what is equal to that.
Put the WHOLE show over, Put the wrestlers and managers and workers over. Keep the fans entertained NOT YOU, The show shouldn't be about you or just what YOU enjoy seeing or watching. Pays what the wrestlers are worth and puts the show and the wrestlers over, NOT THEMSELVES. Also remember your NOT Vince, you don't have his money or connections. Do YOUR own thing, make your own unique product.
11. Best Tag Team or Faction Ever?
Best Faction SO FAR...Before Ruthless Lala, Jim Justice and others destroyed them. Noveum Gensus.
Tag Team: The only reason they WIN is that Lala doesn't have her team. Since she is not part of a tag team right now, The Hole F'N Team, wins this question. They show up and work, regardless of what is going on or what is thrown at them.
Path of Resistance is another favorite.
PTK is one of the strongest, dominate ones currently.
Ruthlessly Juicy was her tag team when she teamed with Cherry Ramons.
12. How often do real life issues spill over into the ring and vise versa? If you really dislike someone do you refuse to work with them or do you channel the dislike or hate into beating them in the ring?
All the TIME! It never should and this should be only Business. I don't want to wrestle them cause they stole my girlfriend, or they hate my friends. Who Cares! Get your money and do your business, just like any job you should leave it at the door or at least at the ropes. You should work with them as it is YOUR JOB, it is why you get paid and the fans don't care that so and so once called you a jerk.
Some would take the chance to truly hurt the person if they could. They shouldn't be in the ring then. It is not safe for anyone, but if the shoot starts then she will give as she gets, but that is not professional. Even knowing it is not, she will not stand by if someone starts shooting for real.
13. Other then Super Strength what one super power do you feel would be most useful in the ring?
Super Speed, Being short she could have a low center of gravity, but really Reading Minds would be the best, knowing their move before they do it. Being able to counter the move as you know what is coming, even if they change it on the fly.
14. Best Wrestling movie or movie about wrestling?
She watched The Wrestler and liked it. It dealt with some serious issues that affected and still affect wrestlers on the Indy circuit and had some nice cameos.. She also enjoyed Ready to Rumble despite the bad rep it got, it had all the WCW stars and dealt with the goofier backstage stuff that does really happen. The less serious bullshit that goes on
Some wrestlers won't want to admit it but it is true. Both together pretty much cover the wrestling life.
15. You are going up against Awesome Kong in July, what are your thoughts about this match?
When she first ever saw Awesome Kong, she was thrilled.This was what she wanted to do in wrestling Telling herself this woman was going to fuck people up and she wanted to wrestle her and beat her!
She has been asking for a match, hunting for a match with her. For years and years, some places didn't have the money or pull to bring in Kong, other times she was under contract to TNA or WWE. Some places that may have had the pull has issues with Ruthless.
During an interview, Kong brought up Ruthless Lala name and watched a few of her matches right there in the interview, but still no one wanted or could make it happen. Kong went on to say that she could see her and Lala having a good match. She said she would like to wrestle LaLa. When it was finally set in stone She called Tony, and bragged super excited about wrestling Kong.
Nerves kicked in, People doubting her and could she do it, the match was finally here. A rare dream match come true and she had to focus on that. Kong came on Lala's show, Late Nights With these guys, Kong remembered talking to her years ago when they met in Dallas! It really got to Lala, 10 years later and Kong remembers her as a fan.
The nerves are almost gone, Kong put it as CLASH OF THE TITANS! Lala knows she will be thrown around A LOT and come July 25th we will see who survives this BATTLE.
16. Where can fans come to see you wrestle?
NWA Wrestling Revolution EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT. 311 South Seven Street. El Rey. Texas Wrestling Federation.
Back to Memphis, Sundays in Mission, Texas at Luna Lucha Libre.
17. When we last talked you were being stalked and hunted, Did you resolve that?
Sort of, we are in the middle, they went separate ways. They are in a holding pattern, you could say. The Stalker, it turns out, was her Guardian Angel. He was sent to watch over and protect her but had to watch as she was picked on and targeted as a kid. When it got to be too much he gave her a small portion of his power, making her RUTHLESS and allowing her to defend herself.
Due to this he was, of course, booted out of being a Guardian Angel but when he could he returned for vengeance and made a deal with a wrestler named Mace. This allowed them to switch bodies letting Wraith get close to Lala without needed to make up any stories or build a friendship from scratch. Though he is currently dealing with other issues, he no doubt will return someday.
Lighting Round
Books or Movies? Movies
Vampires or Werewolfs? Vampires
Beard or Clean Shaven? Both it is
Facebook or Twitter? Both
Marvel or DC? Marvel, then both...Prefers Avengers, DEADPOOL
Who do you feel HANDS DOWN is the toughest SOB in the wrestling world today?
Narrowing it down to ONE? NEVER! Going to add CRAZY to the mix as well. The Great Muta and Kobashi. Aja Kong, Bull Namara.
New Jack and Masada.
She joined NWA Revolution in 2015. They were and have been welcoming. On January 1st, which is her birthday, she won her first wrestling award! It was with the new company, after less then a year with them, the fans voted her as Wrestler of the Year. She now has a chance to wrestle Awesome Kong, something she has wanted almost from day one in the wrestling business.
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You like me, you really like me! |
1. With TNA and WWE paying more attention to the Indy's then ever, how do you feel this has changed things?
It has changed some, But some things will stay the same no matter what, Some people you will just NEVER see, they still don't fit the idea or the mold. She hopes that is not the case but knows they will still bust their ass to get there.
But WWE and TNA still have some set ideas. Other times wrestlers themselves have said they won't become a gimmick just to work on TV.
When they are not the right size, they get overlooked. Not as much anymore, Kevin Owns proves that but it does still happen. To be on the Main Roster more often then not you still need a "look"
2. What was the worst character or gimmick you have had to do so far? Why?
"I had one I TRULY TRULY DESPISED!" Yes, I hated it with a PASSION! Be a Beast, but not the one you already are. I already had a "Ruthless" side but they wanted a different kind of ruthless.
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Why you copy me? |
3. With so many ways for fans to interact with wrestlers, and wrestlers to be able to promote themselves(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat,Filsinger games) Do you feel wrestlers use it correctly or enough as they should? Too Much? How has it changed things? Do you feel any one wrestler has perfected it?
She feels she will get some flack for her answer, but she feels that it helps both the fans and the wrestlers to be able to see the wrestlers in a different light. A more human side, as they were in the past and sometimes even now, seen as LARGER THEN LIFE.
Seeing they can be hurt, they have feelings. Injuries do happen and all this can be used now and makes it more real. The downside, she feels, is when the wrestlers use it without it being a work or fitting into a story. Just talking trash and bullshit on fellow workers or whole companies. Yes it can backfire but things, including wrestling, has to evolve and change.
Use it to sell a feud, tell a story, get the fans and crowds involved but not pissing contests. Sometimes it can get out of hand and other times it gets personal, Little known out of her circle of friends she had skin cancer so hearing that a fellow wrestler would use cancer makes her feel disappointed in that person.
Mick Foley is the closest to come to perfecting it, The Rock uses it right most of the time.
4. What do you consider the lamest move in wrestling? What about the best?
She laughs evilly...She had been waiting for this one. At an unnamed wrestling show, it has a name but out of respect she won't use it. A wrestler at the show used a hip toss as a finisher.
Worse it was not even a full on hip toss, more like a roll over. She said think like a self defense class where they teach you to use the attackers momentum and roll him over your hip, more that that. They, not sure if it was mocking fans or workers being funny, called it the HIP TOSS OF DOOM!
One of her favorites one currently to watch is Neville's The Red Arrow. Not only does it look great but it involves a lot of trust from both workers to pull it off.
On her own past experience that she KNOWS is brutal. A move she has taken herself as well as seen others take up close. The Stu Hart Special, and no one SHOULD get up, even if you think you can. It is a move that really hurts and looks painful, the kind of move you TRULY believe can defeat someone, really end a match.
5. Greatest Feud in Wrestling History?
Very fond of Stone Cold vs Mr. McMahon. DX VS McMahon's. WCW VS WWF but the favorite?
She gave it some thought and went with Dusty Rhodes vs The Four Horseman! When the Horseman broke Dusty Rhodes leg, she watched these all in reruns of course. She is too young to have seen them the first time around, but thanks to The WWE Network for just 9.99 she has been able to catch up.
When Dusty tried to help Flair, she thinks in 1975, after Flair won the belt in the Steel Cage. It seemed that two of the greats would stand tall but the Horsemen locked themselves in with Dusty and went to town. Shocking and got great heat.
6. Who do you enjoy watching the most on the Indy circuit?
Some of them are her friends but that is not why she is picking them, it is in SPITE of that, knowing them and watching them practice and she is still blown away and impressed watching them in the ring. You can mark out for your friends, she knows there moves and has battled many of them, yet she still enjoys watching them wrestle others.
One she was super vocal about being a great worker and improving all the time was Tony Strong. She said he tries and learns and does his best to learn both from wins and losses. He wants to be better so he gets better.
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No backs were broken for this picture |
Recently she started getting a kick out of watching Su Yung wrestle. She is not the tallest or the biggest but when she is pissed she attacks like no other. To be honest and fair, She doesn't watch a lot of woman's wrestling. She just finds that most places don't treat it much better then WWE. But there are some names that stand out Anglus Layne, Kimber Lee, Candice LaRae.
7. If you could make a Tag Team with anyone currently wrestling in the Indy's who would it be and what would you call the team?
This one was easy, Tony Strong, Ruthlessly Strong.
8. What states do you feel are the hottest right now for Indy wrestlers?
California, Florida area, Jersey area, Tennessee, Louisiana is currently hot.
9. Which states should wrestlers avoid?
Every state has a few bad promotions, just listen and research the promotion. But try never to AVOID whole states.
10. What makes a good to great promoter in your opinion?
Doing what the FANS want! Listen to the people who BUY the tickets and the merch. They bring not just your promotion money and people but if they are buying the wrestlers merch, they are also making money and more willing to return.
You also want one who talks to the wrestlers and gets to know them, who doesn't just listen to rumors or third party stories. Meet them, make your OWN decisions. Pays the wrestlers what they are worth, have they stood by your company? Will their first time there bring fans to the seats? Lots of fan? Then pay what is equal to that.
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Not everyone wears the GL Ring on their finger. |
11. Best Tag Team or Faction Ever?
Best Faction SO FAR...Before Ruthless Lala, Jim Justice and others destroyed them. Noveum Gensus.
Tag Team: The only reason they WIN is that Lala doesn't have her team. Since she is not part of a tag team right now, The Hole F'N Team, wins this question. They show up and work, regardless of what is going on or what is thrown at them.
Path of Resistance is another favorite.
PTK is one of the strongest, dominate ones currently.
Ruthlessly Juicy was her tag team when she teamed with Cherry Ramons.
12. How often do real life issues spill over into the ring and vise versa? If you really dislike someone do you refuse to work with them or do you channel the dislike or hate into beating them in the ring?
All the TIME! It never should and this should be only Business. I don't want to wrestle them cause they stole my girlfriend, or they hate my friends. Who Cares! Get your money and do your business, just like any job you should leave it at the door or at least at the ropes. You should work with them as it is YOUR JOB, it is why you get paid and the fans don't care that so and so once called you a jerk.
Some would take the chance to truly hurt the person if they could. They shouldn't be in the ring then. It is not safe for anyone, but if the shoot starts then she will give as she gets, but that is not professional. Even knowing it is not, she will not stand by if someone starts shooting for real.
13. Other then Super Strength what one super power do you feel would be most useful in the ring?
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GO TO THIS!!!!! |
Super Speed, Being short she could have a low center of gravity, but really Reading Minds would be the best, knowing their move before they do it. Being able to counter the move as you know what is coming, even if they change it on the fly.
14. Best Wrestling movie or movie about wrestling?
She watched The Wrestler and liked it. It dealt with some serious issues that affected and still affect wrestlers on the Indy circuit and had some nice cameos.. She also enjoyed Ready to Rumble despite the bad rep it got, it had all the WCW stars and dealt with the goofier backstage stuff that does really happen. The less serious bullshit that goes on
Some wrestlers won't want to admit it but it is true. Both together pretty much cover the wrestling life.
15. You are going up against Awesome Kong in July, what are your thoughts about this match?
When she first ever saw Awesome Kong, she was thrilled.This was what she wanted to do in wrestling Telling herself this woman was going to fuck people up and she wanted to wrestle her and beat her!
She has been asking for a match, hunting for a match with her. For years and years, some places didn't have the money or pull to bring in Kong, other times she was under contract to TNA or WWE. Some places that may have had the pull has issues with Ruthless.
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Motherfucker I'm AWESOME |
During an interview, Kong brought up Ruthless Lala name and watched a few of her matches right there in the interview, but still no one wanted or could make it happen. Kong went on to say that she could see her and Lala having a good match. She said she would like to wrestle LaLa. When it was finally set in stone She called Tony, and bragged super excited about wrestling Kong.
Nerves kicked in, People doubting her and could she do it, the match was finally here. A rare dream match come true and she had to focus on that. Kong came on Lala's show, Late Nights With these guys, Kong remembered talking to her years ago when they met in Dallas! It really got to Lala, 10 years later and Kong remembers her as a fan.
The nerves are almost gone, Kong put it as CLASH OF THE TITANS! Lala knows she will be thrown around A LOT and come July 25th we will see who survives this BATTLE.
16. Where can fans come to see you wrestle?
NWA Wrestling Revolution EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT. 311 South Seven Street. El Rey. Texas Wrestling Federation.
Back to Memphis, Sundays in Mission, Texas at Luna Lucha Libre.
17. When we last talked you were being stalked and hunted, Did you resolve that?
Sort of, we are in the middle, they went separate ways. They are in a holding pattern, you could say. The Stalker, it turns out, was her Guardian Angel. He was sent to watch over and protect her but had to watch as she was picked on and targeted as a kid. When it got to be too much he gave her a small portion of his power, making her RUTHLESS and allowing her to defend herself.
Due to this he was, of course, booted out of being a Guardian Angel but when he could he returned for vengeance and made a deal with a wrestler named Mace. This allowed them to switch bodies letting Wraith get close to Lala without needed to make up any stories or build a friendship from scratch. Though he is currently dealing with other issues, he no doubt will return someday.
Lighting Round
Books or Movies? Movies
Vampires or Werewolfs? Vampires
Beard or Clean Shaven? Both it is
Facebook or Twitter? Both
Marvel or DC? Marvel, then both...Prefers Avengers, DEADPOOL
Who do you feel HANDS DOWN is the toughest SOB in the wrestling world today?
Narrowing it down to ONE? NEVER! Going to add CRAZY to the mix as well. The Great Muta and Kobashi. Aja Kong, Bull Namara.
New Jack and Masada.
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